Architects, Builders, Developers, Remodeling Contractors and Interior Designers
Benefits of Incorporating Human-Centered Universal Design:
- Expand Market Share
- Increase Return on Investment
- Distinguish company from competitors by providing Value-Added Design that enhances quality of life for homeowners Today and Tomorrow
- Enhances function, aesthetic quality and human sustainability of homes when properly incorporated
- Capture the Baby Boomer Market; they will not accept anything less than UD homes that enable them to stay put and stay healthy longer
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Review conceptual architectural plans and make recommendations for incorporation of the principles of Universal Design to enhance the appeal of homes to the broadest spectrum of consumers.
- Collaborate with developer and team architect, engineer, governmental agency, interior designer, project manager, superintendent, landscape architect, subcontractors and purchasing agent to facilitate implementation of Universal Design recommendations.
- Incorporate the principles of Universal Design into easy to use implementation and product specification guidelines. Don't reinvent the wheel; take advantage of the years of experience of Homes for Easy Living
- Collaborate with sales and marketing professionals to create materials that highlight the “universal benefits of universal design” to expand marketability.
- Provide educational programs regarding Universal Design in community and home designs.
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.
Industrial Designers and Product Manufacturers
Benefits of Incorporating Human-Centered Universal Design:
- Expand Market Share
- Increase Return on Investment
- Create More User-Friendly Products
- Provide Consumers and Builders with Value-Added Products
- Capture the Baby Boomer Market through improved personal, work, leisure and home products
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Collaborate with product designers to create or improve on personal, home, work and leisure products and assistive devices by incorporating the ergonomic principles of Universal Design to enhance usability by people of all ages and diverse abilities.
- Provide inservice training programs for product designers and manufacturers.
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.
Homeowners, Caregivers and Homebuyers
Benefits of Incorporating Human-Centered Universal Design:
- Enhance quality of life by increasing convenience, comfort, safety and usability
- Increase Re-Sale Marketability
- Extend "Active Lifestyle" by reducing health risks and reducing barriers
- Creating a Better Home for Today and Tomorrow!
- Support "Freedom of Choice" to remain in home
- Facilitate caregiving in the home to defer the need for institutional living
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Perform client physical, cognitive, sensory and social functional assessment and home evaluation to clarify personal needs, functional objectives and design preferences.
- Develop recommendations for new home design or customized home modifications and assistive equipment to improve client’s quality of life by enhancing safety, comfort, and performance of Activities of Daily Living with dignity.
- Provide guidance in health and wellness, principles of joint and back protection, fall prevention, work efficiency, and enhanced activity performance in the home.
- Assist remodeling contractor with conceptual design for remodeling project and product selections to create solutions to individual challenges and preferences.
- Assist homebuyers to select homes that best meet their individual needs and dreams or could be readily modified to meet needs.
- Provide written reports as needed in case management, legal, fiduciary and insurance matters.
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.
Employers and Employees
Benefits of Incorporationg Human-Center Universal Design:
- Enhance work performance through ergonomic & work efficient UD features
- Enhance safety on the job
- Expand workforce capabilities and productivity
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Perform employee, task process and work place assessment.
- Make recommendations for office modifications and assistive technology to enhance employee job performance, safety and productivity.
- Provide guidance in principles of joint and back protection, work simplification and assistive technology to enhance task performance and reduce repetitive use disorders.
- Provide inservice employer and employee education programs.
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.
Governmental, Health and Professional Educational Agencies
Benefits of Incorporationg Human-Centered Universal Design:
- Reduce Costs of Long-Term Care by facilitating in-home caregiving
- Reduce Costs of Fall Related Injuries by reducing unnecessary hazards
- Facilitate self-reliance by reducing unnecessary barriers
- Extend healthy living through fall prevention and quality of life enhancement
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Consult with agencies to create Universal Design legislation, guidelines, and incentive programs.
- Provide Universal Design educational programs
- Provide health, wellness and injury / fall prevention educational programs
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.
Attorneys, Insurance Co., Fiduciaries and Lifecare Case Managers on Behalf of Clients
Benefits of Incorporationg Human-Centered Universal Design:
- Create supportive environment to enhance quality of life, safety, comfort and function
- Facilitate caregiver performance when assisting clients
- Reduce cost of long-term care by facilitating in-home caregiving
Services Provided by Homes for Easy Living:
- Perform client physical, cognitive, sensory and social functional assessment and home evaluation.
- Develop recommendations for education, home modifications and adaptive equipment to enhance client’s safety, comfort, and performance of Activities of Daily Living with dignity.
- Assist remodeling contractor with conceptual design for remodeling project and product selections to create solutions to individual challenges.
- Assist in selection of a new home that best meets individual needs or could be readily modified to meet needs.
- Provide written report regarding recommendations.
- The healthcare education and experience of Homes for Easy Living president, Susan Mack, provides insight into the abilities, challenges and solutions for people with specific chronic health, injury, and aging related conditions. This healthcare based knowledge assists with meeting the objective of Universal Design to design for people of all ages and diverse abilites.